I did a maternity shoot when I was in Columbus last week! It was great! The mother, Jenny, was so comfortable with herself and totally at ease the whole time! She took direction very well and the result was well worth it! I love her photos, they turned out just how I was envisioning! Now to just get my hubby to update my website with all these new photos...it has been a crazy couple of weeks for me...so he has a lot to catch up on! :)
Here are a few photos from the shoot, there are a lot more, but Blogger isn't working right, so I'll add more tomorrow!! :) Take a look at these and tell me what you think!
Thanks for looking!
I love the curves in this one!
Baby Shoes!! Too adorable!
I love this one! She looks so peaceful!
I think the angle of this one makes it dynamic, but soft too!
I think this one has a quiet serenity about it...very anticipatory.