Thursday, April 24, 2008


I feel as if it may be starting, as if I am on the brink of something amazing! I went to the office in my apartment complex and one of the girls who works there is pregnant, very pregnant and absolutely adorable! I asked her if she had maternity photos done and she said that she hadn't but her and her husband had thought about it. I gave her my info and told her to check out my website and see what she thought.

I do this often and usually not much comes from it. However this was different. The next afternoon I got a call on my cell phone from the office. Thinking something was wrong or I had another delivery I answered and the voice on the other end was exuberant! It was the very pregnant young lady and she was so joyous! She informed me that she had viewed my website and loved everything! She said that my work was so creative and unique, unlike anything she had every seen. She told me my photos were the best she had ever seen!! I couldn't believe it! It was so nice to hear this from someone who wasn't obligated to be polite, you know like your mother or any other family know who you are! I was on cloud nine, I felt as if I had finally landed, finally fell into this head first and was managing to stay afloat!! It's amazing how much better one phone call can make your day!

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